Saturday 5 January 2013

No Rest For the Wicked...but still time to shop.

Pay day for me means clay day for Trinkerbelle...I found some really cute colours and stocked up on white and I can relax...actually no I can't. Working like crazy to get things ready for my fashion show in February The Guerrilla Fashion Event II I am making all sorts of head pieces and necklaces to compliment each other and the models...the themes of the show are lust and decadence so they need to be pretty saucy...I have made a rather cute little sailor girl and bondage tied her to an anchor for my head piece entitled 'A Very English Submission' soon I promise. Other ideas swimming around my mind are a casino/Vegas style design with playing cards, dice and more glitz then you can shake a stick at (whatever the hell that means), a pre raphaelite/siren - subtle and floaty design and a Gothic, dark mistress of pain type piece. Haven't had much time to work on anything else as I am organising the event as well but will have pictures of a Tank Girl inspired charm necklace and 'Tinkerbell - still snorting that pixie dust' model to put up soon...phew, have I got time for a cuppa? I wish
New clay to pay with, and everything is back to normal again. I am poor but happy.

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